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Farr's Best Membership Options

Find one that works for you

  • Best Value

    The Enterprise Membership

    Every year
    +$50 Setup Fee w/ Polo included (First Year)
    For adults 19 and over
    • Access to Membership Portal & Personal Profile
    • Access to LIT Traning Presentations & Resource Folder
    • $99 Discount on the Annual Farr's Best Family Vacation
    • Early Bird Access to Farr's Best Family Vacation
    • Access to Farr's Best Rewards Program
    • Farr's Best Birthday Gift Card
    • Access to Farrs Best Zoom Recordings
    • 3 Free shipping vouchers
    • Farr's Best Anniversary 40% discount
  • Farr's Best Adult Membership

    Every year
    +$50 Initiation Fee & Polo (First Year Only)
    For Ages 19 & older
    • Access to Membership Portal & Personal Profile
    • Access to LIT Training Presentations & Resource Folder
    • $99 Discount on the Annual Farr's Best Family Vacation
    • Access to Farr's Best Rewards Program
    • Access to Discounts & Sales
  • Farr's Best Teen Membership

    Every year
    +$50 Initiation Fee & Polo (First Year Only)
    For Ages 18 to 13
    • Access to Membership Portal & Personal Profile
    • Access to LIT Training Presentations & Resource Folder
    • $49 Discount on the Annual Farr's Best Family Vacation
    • Opportunity for the Farr's Best College Scholarship
    • Access to Farr's Best Rewards Program
  • Farr's Best Under 12 Membership

    Every year
    +$50 Initiation Fee & Polo (First Year Only)
    For ages 12 & Under
    • $19 Discount on the Annual Farr's Best Family Vacation
    • Access to Farr's Best Rewards Program

Membership will renew automatically every year.

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